The Passenger Seat is my first novel. It explores the connections between male friendship and violence without offering any easy or comforting answers. It was shortlisted for the Fitzcarraldo/New Directions/Giramondo Novel Prize. You can find The Passenger Seat in your local independent bookstore in the US and Canada, and you can pre-order it ahead of its April/May 2025 release in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Praise for The Passenger Seat:
‘unsettling and powerful’ – New York Times
‘an unusual and deftly written literary thriller’ – Books & Publishing
‘A challenging novel that pushes against the elastic comfort of the expected’ – Foreword Reviews
Short fiction
‘Small Environmental Changes (light etc.)’ in NOON 2022
‘The Menaced Assassin’ in The Guardian & The Griffith Review
‘Come Back in Ten Years’ in 3:AM Magazine
‘Follower’ in Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Vol. 14
‘About Suffering’, Galley Beggar Press
‘Zenith’, Galley Beggar Press
Translations from German
Red (Hunger) by Senthuran Varatharajah; novel excerpt in The White Review Translation Anthology
‘The Autopsy’ by Georg Heym; short story at Scratch Classics
Regal Beagle
Regal Beagle is a chapter book for younger readers. It’s available in bookshops in Australia, and here.